Thursday, August 5, 2010

The answer to our last problem is 5

Answer: 12 - 7 = 5 people in bare feet!

Because I have been so remiss in putting up problems of late I have put 3 up today.

Happy problem solving!

1. If Jane is older than Kim, Kim is older than Shawn.
Shawn is younger than Jane and Rachel is older than Jane
List the people from oldest to youngest.

2. In how many different ways can the carriages of a three carriages train be arranged?
3. A math student interviewed 50 fifth graders. 41 said they like peanut butter sandwiches, 35 liked jam sandwiches and 30 liked both on their sandwiches.
How many students liked neither?


  1. Hi,
    I think the answer to the first problem is
    The answer to the second problem is 6.
    The answer to the third problem is 4
    From Billie

  2. I think Rachel is the oldest, Jane is the second oldest, Kim is the third oldest and Shawn is the youngest. I don't know how I worked it out. I just did.

    For the train one I worked out 6 different combinations of carriages.

    1 yellow, green, red
    2 yellow, red, green
    3 red, yellow, green
    4 red, green, yellow
    5 green, yello, red
    6 green, red, yellow

    From Mia!
    PS The last question will take a bit of thinking so I might get back to you later on that one!

  3. 1. the order is Rachel, Jane, kim and Shane.
    2. there are 6 different ways.
    3.there are 4 who liked neither.
    from Kate.

  4. Hi,
    For the first problem my answer is:
    Rachel is the oldest.
    Jane is the second oldest.
    Kim is the second youngest.
    Shawn is the Youngest.

    For the second problem my answer is 6.
    I numbered the train carriages 1, 2, and 3.
    If you put carriage 1 at the front, you can have two different combinations. This is the same for carriages 2 and 3. 2+2+2=6 so this is my answer.

    For the third problem I got 4. I subtracted 30 from 41 to get the number of people who only like penut butter.I subtracted 30 from 35 as well to get the number of people that only like jam. Then I added 11, 5 and 30 to get 46.
    This leaves 4 people who like neither penut butter or jam.

    From Alex
