Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a great start to our blog!

13 comments on our first blog - well done.

There were 2 correct answers to last weeks problem

Answer: 1) 9+8+7+65+4+3+2+1 = 99 -> 7 addition signs.
2) 9+8+7+6+5+43+21 = 99 -> 6 addition signs.

This weeks problem:
The weather during Sam Smith's holiday was strange. It rained on 15 different days, but it never rained for a whole day.
Rainy mornings were followed by clear afternoons.
Rainy afternoons were preceeded by clear mornings.
There were 12 clear mornings and 13 clear afternoons in all.
How long was the holiday?

How will you go about solving this problem?
Will you draw pictures?
Will you make a chart?
Share your strategies as well as your answers.


  1. This problem was really hard and my dad and I had to work it out together.

    I knew that it had rained for for 15 days in either the morning or afternoon. I knew that there had been 12 clear mornings and 13 clear afternoons so we drew a picture of the days.

    I drew 15 circles to show the raining days. I then drew 12 circles to show the clear mornings and 13 circles to show the 13 clear afternoons.

    I knew that it did not rain all day each day so I crossed off 1 raining day against 1 raining afternoon and then 1 raining day against 1 raining morning until i had 7 raining afternoons and 8 raining mornings.

    I was left with 5 clear mornings and 5 clear afternoons, so i decided that putting them together made up 5 clear days.

    I think there were 20 days for Sam's holiday because he had 15 rainy days and 5 clear days

    That is my answer

    Mia Thomas.

  2. Hi,
    For the problem I divided the days into 2 sections, Morning and Afternoon. I then added the 12 clear mornings and the 13 clear afternoons to the fifteen rainy sections, giving me a total of 40 sections. Because each day has 2 sections I divided 40 by 2 to make 20 days.
    From Alex.

  3. Hi, i think the holiday was 40 days long. I worked it out by drawing 3 grids. one grid was 1x13, one was 1x12 and one was 7x6. In the 7x6 grid I made half of the squares morning and the other half was afternoon. I worked out which times of the day were rainy and which were fine. In the 1x13 grid I crossed off a box each time I had a sunny afternoon. In the 1x12 grid I crossed off a box each time I had a sunny morning. I counted the rainy days. Some of my days were fine for the whole day.

    From Billie :-)

  4. Hi Billie and Alex, this is Mrs Smith dropping in to see how you're doing on your problem solving. I'm dying to find out the answer to this week's problem as I seem to have 21.5 or 22 days!

  5. I am amazed at all of your strategies. Your problem solving is stunning, I'm not sure I could do that myself--perhaps I will take a risk and give your next one a go.
